The availability of many roofing styles and designs has made choosing the right one quite challenging. It is imperative, however, to select a durable, visually-appealing and eco-friendly roofing system that can protect your home and everything inside it. West Side Roofing Co., your premier roofing company, talks about the key features of slate roofing and how it can benefit homeowners.
The classy and sophisticated look of slate can draw attention to your roof. It can enhance the beauty of your exterior design. This roofing material is available in different sizes and thicknesses as well as a variety of color choices, including gray, green, purple, red and others.
Slate roofs are estimated to last for at least a century. When the roof is properly installed by your trusted roofing contractors, 150 years is a reasonable expectation of the roof's longevity. That's a huge advantage in an industry where many roof systems are fortunate to last 20 to 30 years before requiring replacement.
One of the biggest advantages of slate roofing is that it is completely fire proof. It can prevent fire caused by airborne sparks from fireworks, wildfires or from a nearby house fire. This roofing system improves your home's security and safety.
Roof waste accounts for over 5% of the overall waste sent to landfills across the country each year. Asphalt shingles contribute the most since they require replacement every 20 to 30 years. The longevity of slate tile roofing has a positive impact on the environment. It can also significantly reduce replacement costs.
At West Side Roofing Co., we strive to make things easier for homeowners like you. We have an inventory of different slate colors and sizes to ease the installation and repair process. Our company also offers different roofing products and services. To learn more, call us at (216) 245-1050. We serve different areas in OH, including Parma, Akron and Cleveland.